Episode 1: Mostly Dogs


-That’s where it all went wrong by Arthur Baysting, read by Justine Clarke. Music by Give A Frog A Phone, with incidental piano crashes by Peter Dasent.
– ‘Roger the Dog’ by Ted Hughes, read by Tom Hobbs.
– ‘Dog With The Saxophone’ sung by Tony Backhouse, Underwater Melon Man and Other Unreasonable Rhymes by Fane Flaws, Arthur Baysting and Peter Dasent
– ‘Oh Susanna’, Don Charles’ Amazing Singing Dogs
– Oh Susannah’, James Taylor, Sweet Baby James


The Dog with the Saxophone by Fane Flaws

The Dog with the saxophone
and the soulful, melodious tone
He owes his fat lip ad peculiar grip
To the cat with the slide trombone

Watch a clip of the song here 

Roger the dog by Ted Hughes

Asleep he wheezes at his ease.
He only wakes to scratch his fleas.
He hogs the fire, he bakes his head.
As if it were a loaf of bread.
He’s just a sack of snoring dog.
You can lug him like a log.
You can roll him with your foot.
He’ll stay snoring where he’s put.
I take him out for exercise,
He rolls in cowclap up to his eyes.
He will not race, he will not romp,
He saves his strength for gobble and chomp.
He’ll work as hard as you could wish
Emptying his dinner dish.
Then flops flat, and digs down deep,
Like a miner, into sleep.

Other favourite dogginess

Dashing Dog by Margaret Mahy
Harry the Dirty Dog by Gene Zion
101 Dalmations by Dodie Smith

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